In January 1952 the workers of Lanín National Park offered support to Ernesto Guevara de la Serna and Alberto Granado, no one had ever imagined the historical dimension of that act.

Duration: A few hours
Distance: 0 kms
Enabled: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

Description tour: La Pastera, Che Museum
In his "Travel Notes", Ernesto Guevara devoted two chapters to the mountain range area. One of them, which he titled "San Martín de los Andes", is a story of his stay and the memory of the solidarity of workers of the place. In particular, Che recalled Pedro Olate, the Parques Nacionales' serene, as one of the colleagues who provided them with accommodation in what they called "La Pastera" (a warehouse where they collected food for animals), and a temporary job to earn some Pesos for the trip.
Since then, workers have preserved the National Park "Pastera" in homage to Che. This was not an easy thing to do. Many colleagues took care and protected it from deterioration as well as from government actions that insisted on deleting this piece of history.
More than 50 years later, the Asociación Trabajadores del Estado - ATE (State Workers Association) paid tribute to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, as well as to all the social class colleagues that yesterday and today keep the solidarity spirit alive and the willingness to fight for social justice in Argentina. ATE's intention is to create a space of information and dissemination of action and thoughts of Che which were displayed in the different positions of struggle by his passionate and committed presence as a colleague, militant, guerrilla fighter and statesman.
In June 20th, 2008, the Association of State Workers (ATE), opened "The Pastera, Che Museum" a project aiming to contribute to the reconstruction of historical and popular memory.
"Travel Notes"
Darkening now, we undertook the return which ended late at night, finding the pleasant surprise that Pedro Olate, the serene, had brought a delicious barbeque to delight us, we bought some wine to answer back to the invitation, and we devoured as lions, for a change. When we were talking about how good the barbeque tasted and how fast we were going stop eating it in such an indiscriminate manner as we did in Argentina, Pedro told us that he had been offered to grill the barbeque for the car drivers that were going to come next Sunday to compete in a race at the circuit of the town. He was going to need two helpers and he offered us the job: -Maybe they don't pay you at all, but you can start collecting meat to have later.
Ernesto Guevara, San Martín de los Andes, January 1952
Useful details:
Sarmiento and Rudecindo Roca Streets
Te: 02972 - 411994
Daily schedule 09:00 am to 10:00 pm. Tuesdays closed.
$ 5 Argentinian
$ 10 Foreigners
$ 3 Students
Local residentes (SMA), retired and ATE memebers, free.
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