15/02/2025 07:32
www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar

Central and Vegas Areas: Rural TourismOutdoors

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Rural Tourism

The contact with nature, the land products cultivated in organic gardens, and the possibility of enjoying the countryside can be an unforgettable experience while you visit San Martín de los Andes.

Duration: One day

Distance: 0 kms

Enabled: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring

Description tour: Rural Tourism

San Martín de los Andes, with its fresh air, clear water, ancient forests and eternal snows, is a mountain village located in the Noth-West of Patagonia, full of life stories of the people who live there.

Tourism is one of the most flourishing economic activities in the country and agriculture also has a business opportunity here, as in many parts of Europe and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand).


Rural tourism

When we talk about rural tourism, we immediately think of tourists involved in farming, harvesting, milking, etc. But the agricultural sector offers a wide variety of possibilities. Visits to paleontological sites, bird watching, horseback riding, fishing, walking in a magnificent landscape, educate the kids, for instance.

Visiting San Martín de los Andes is a pleasant experience. Walks along the streets and fields, among the stores and farms, enjoying the peace of the countryside, trying homemade products, or enjoying the experience of an outdoor activity are some of the options that you will find.


In the options below, you will see some of the alternatives for rural tourism that the city and its surroundings offer.



Las Vertientes

CALLEJON DE GINGINS - TE. 02972/ 426402

Activities and Products: Accommodation, observation, hiking and horseback riding.

Period: All year

Schedule: From 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Travel Distance: 7.5 km.


Organic Farmhouse "La Constancia"

CALLEJON DE GINGINS - TE. 02972/ 421250

Activities and Products: Tour along fine fruit plantations. Production of fine fruit, homemade cheese, dulce de leche, natural fruit and jams.

Period: Summer

Hours: From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Travel Distance: 7 km.


Autocamping "Amigos de la Naturaleza"

CALLEJON DE GINGINS - TE. 02972/ 426351

Activities and Products: organized campsite, organic communitary gardening, ornamental nurseries and Living-room w/TV, supply shop, toilets with hot water 24 hs.

Period: All year

Schedule: From 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Travel Distance: 7 km.


Content manager: Secretaría de Turismo
Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500

Municipality of San Martín de los Andes

Teléfono +54 (2972) 427 315 | +54 (2972) 428 795

Gral. Roca y Juan Manuel de Rosas

Ministry of Tourism

Phone 0800 345 1975 int 307 y 308 - +54 (2972) 427315 int 307 y 308

Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas

(8370) - San Martín de los Andes - Provincia del Neuquén - Patagonia - Argentina