19/02/2025 19:19
www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar www.sanmartindelosandes.gov.ar

Lácar AreaOutdoors

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Lácar Area - Efrain Dávila
Ricardo Druck   Efrain Dávila

The city of San Martín de los Andes and Lanín National Park are the core for all activities, comprising most of the services in the region.

It includes beaches such as Catritre, Quila Quina, Yuco and Nonthué, the Lácar Lake basin, the Valdivian rainforest where Chachín Cascade and Queñi Lake are located, and Chapelco Mountain.

Content manager: Secretaría de Turismo
Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500

Municipality of San Martín de los Andes

Teléfono +54 (2972) 427 315 | +54 (2972) 428 795

Gral. Roca y Juan Manuel de Rosas

Ministry of Tourism

Phone 0800 345 1975 int 307 y 308 - +54 (2972) 427315 int 307 y 308

Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas

(8370) - San Martín de los Andes - Provincia del Neuquén - Patagonia - Argentina